Welcome to Lakota Australian Cattle Dogs, located in beautiful Central Oregon. We have loved and lived with cattle dogs since 1983 beginning with Ringo, a red dog from Australia, who definitely made an impact on everyone who knew him. We are members of the Australian Cattle Dog Club of America, the Cascade Australian Cattle Dog Club, a Code of Ethics breeder and are both recognized as an Advanced Level Breeder Of Merit with the American Kennel Club. Carrie has served as Treasurer, President, Specialty Show Chair and board member for our local Cascade ACD club, currently is serving on the Ethics Committee Board with the National club, and we are active in AKC conformation show competitions with our dogs, which keeps us all happily busy for most of the year.
Our dogs are first and foremost our family members. We enjoy getting to go out and show with them and we take great pride in them and their accomplishments, but above all else they are family. In true cattle dog style, they are by our side in everything we do throughout our daily lives, both work and play.
Cattle dogs are a "full-throttle" breed, and ours are no exception. They require a lot of activity and structure in their homes. We no longer have livestock here (and we honestly don't miss hauling hay), so we keep our dogs busy with other activities and making sure they get plenty of run and exercise time. The importance is not only structure, but to keep their minds stimulated and challenged. Cattle dogs are extremely intelligent and any person living with them will tell you how often they find themselves amazed at the new things they come up with, and their high level of problem-solving skills.
If you are interested in living with an australian cattle dog, we suggest you do your homework, and make sure that this is the right breed for you before acquiring one. There are too many dogs (of all breeds) in shelters as testament to those who did not take the time to make sure it was a proper fit, and when the dog grew out of the cute puppy phase they were a breed that was totally not right for them. If you are not sure you are ready for a puppy, contact your local rescue agency, and see if they don't just have the perfect companion for you who has already gone through the puppy phase, and is looking for a new family to call their own.
If you are ready to bring a cattle dog puppy into your family, we recommend that you buy from a breeder who does all the genetic testing on their breeding dogs and who will give you a written guarantee on the puppy that you get from them. Nothing is worse than bringing home a new family member, getting attached, and then having some horrible health issue take them away from you. It may cost you a little bit more to buy from a reputable breeder versus a $250 gamble puppy, but you want your new family member to be with you for as long as possible, and to have the fewest amount of health problems possible. If you ask a breeder for proof of their health testing and you get any flack - MOVE ON! There are plenty of pretty faces - pick one with the genetic soundness to back it up and you will thank yourself for your diligence for years to come! Thanks for stopping by and visiting!
All images and content on this webpage are the express property of Jeff and Carrie Griffith, Lakota Cattle Dogs and may not be used without express written permission. All rights reserved.

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